Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • Microsoft Laser-Scanning Virtual Image Display Patent Revealed - GizmoCrave

    20 Mar 2012, 9:03 am

    GizmoCraveMicrosoft Laser-Scanning Virtual Image Display Patent RevealedGizmoCraveThe company termed the new technology as the “laser-scanning virtual image display.” The new compact display system can be attached with goggles, helmets or other eyewear. The head-mounted display stands out with its virtual-image projector that ...altro »

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  • Scanning equipment determines fearsome force of T. Rex bite -

    20 Mar 2012, 9:46 am

    Scanning equipment determines fearsome force of T. Rex biteSurveyequipment.comA 3D model of the skull of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, taken with a laser scanner, has allowed scientists to prove that the fearsome dinosaur had the most powerful bite of any creature known to have walked the Earth. The scientists, working from the ...

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  • Photo Science serves growing LiDAR market with Leica airborne ... - Avionics Intelligence

    19 Mar 2012, 1:37 pm

    Avionics IntelligencePhoto Science serves growing LiDAR market with Leica airborne ...Avionics IntelligenceOfficials at Photo Science, a geospatial services firm in Lexington, KY, have purchased a Leica ALS70-HP airborne laser scanner from Leica Geosystems Inc. Photo Science, now with a total of four Leica LiDAR systems owned, has also contracted Leica to ...

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  • Lucid's Cellular Imaging Technology part of German Association of ... -

    19 Mar 2012, 2:00 pm

    Lucid's Cellular Imaging Technology part of German Association of ...SunHerald.comOB) today announces the publication of the Association of Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF) S1 guideline on the use of confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) for dermatological applications. This recommendation on the part of the Medical Societies ...

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  • Lucid's Cellular Imaging Technology part of German Association of ... - MarketWatch (press release)

    19 Mar 2012, 1:33 pm

    Lucid's Cellular Imaging Technology part of German Association of ...MarketWatch (press release)OB) today announces the publication of the Association of Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF) S1 guideline on the use of confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) for dermatological applications. This recommendation on the part of the Medical Societies ...altro »

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  • Photo Science serves growing LiDAR market with Leica airborne ... - Military & Aerospace Electronics

    19 Mar 2012, 1:46 pm

    Military & Aerospace ElectronicsPhoto Science serves growing LiDAR market with Leica airborne ...Military & Aerospace ElectronicsOfficials at Photo Science, a geospatial services firm in Lexington, KY, have purchased a Leica ALS70-HP airborne laser scanner from Leica Geosystems Inc. Photo Science, now with a total of four Leica LiDAR systems owned, has also contracted Leica to ...altro »

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  • Photo Science Selects Leica ALS70 as Markets for LiDAR Expand - (press release)

    17 Mar 2012, 12:48 am

    Photo Science Selects Leica ALS70 as Markets for LiDAR (press release)Leica Geosystems Inc. today announced that Photo Science has purchased a Leica ALS70-HP airborne laser scanner, bringing to four the total number of Leica LiDAR systems owned and operated by the Lexington, KY, geospatial services firm.

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  • MPI Provides Inspection and Re-engineering Services - Product Design & Development

    15 Mar 2012, 4:27 pm

    Product Design & DevelopmentMPI Provides Inspection and Re-engineering ServicesProduct Design & Development“We evaluated lasers from a number of companies and selected the MobileScan laser scanner from NVision because it is the most accurate mobile scanner we could find.” NVision's MobileScan 3D laser scanning system provides a point spacing of 0.001" and ...

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  • Firenze per una settimana capitale mondiale delle cupole - Nove da Firenze

    15 Mar 2012, 3:17 pm

    Firenze per una settimana capitale mondiale delle cupoleNove da FirenzeR. Corazzi e G. Conti Studi teorici sui modelli matematici e geometrici delle varie teorie Rilievo con il laser scanner Indagine geo-radar su alcune parti dell'estradosso della vela interna Prove tomografiche su alcune parti dell'estradosso della vela ...altro »

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  • Ergasterion: il “Bagno di mare” di Mezzagnone e la Fondazione di ... - Ondaiblea (Blog)

    15 Mar 2012, 10:35 am

    Ergasterion: il “Bagno di mare” di Mezzagnone e la Fondazione di ...Ondaiblea (Blog)Infine, l'ultimo intervento sarà quello di Gabriele Fatuzzo, docente di Tecnologie informatiche presso la facoltà di Ingegneria meccanica di Catania, che illustrerà l'applicazione della tecnologia laser scanner all'archeologia.

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