Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • ZEB1 Hand Held Laser Scanner on US Tour - (press release)

    16 Apr 2014, 1:57 pm

    ZEB1 Hand Held Laser Scanner on US (press release)The world's first truly mobile, hand held, rapid laser mapping system is taking to the road with a tour of East Coast of America. Commencing on the 27th May 2014 in Boston, Massachusetts with further dates in Virginia and Florida, the ZEB1 roadshow ...altro »

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  • Leica Geosystems to Open State-of-the-Art HDS Laser Scanner ... -

    16 Apr 2014, 3:36 pm

    Leica Geosystems to Open State-of-the-Art HDS Laser Scanner ...DigitalJournal.comLeica Geosystems Inc. today announced that it will open a state-of-the-art laser scanner service center in May that will allow the company to service all current models of Leica ScanStation laser scanners in North America, including the Leica ...altro »

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  • CAM2 presenta il nuovo Laser Scanner Focus3D X 130 - Rivista GEOmedia

    21 Mar 2014, 10:55 am

    Rivista GEOmediaCAM2 presenta il nuovo Laser Scanner Focus3D X 130Rivista GEOmediaLa società CAM2 ha recentemente presentato il nuovo CAM2 Laser Scanner Focus3D X 130. Questo nuovo prodotto, il più recente della Serie X dei laser scanner CAM2, offre massima potenza, design compatto e flessibilità per l'esecuzione di scansioni ...

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  • La tecnologia Laser Scanner ad ExpoFerroviaria - Rivista GEOmedia

    27 Mar 2014, 5:39 pm

    Rivista GEOmediaLa tecnologia Laser Scanner ad ExpoFerroviariaRivista GEOmediaPer la prima volta la società Zoller + Fröhlich sarà presente alla Fiera ExpoFerroviaria (Torino 1-4 aprile 2014) dedicata alla presentazione delle apparecchiature, prodotti e servizi del settore ferroviario. Per l'occasione la società, che ha ...

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  • The Gorgeous Tics And Errors Of Laser Scanning Gone Wrong - Gizmodo Australia

    5 Apr 2014, 8:38 am

    The Gorgeous Tics And Errors Of Laser Scanning Gone WrongGizmodo AustraliaMatthew Shaw and William Trossell, the London-based duo known as ScanLAB Projects, continue to push the envelope of laser-scanning technology, producing visually stunning and conceptually intricate work that falls somewhere between art and practical ...

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  • ZEB1 Handheld Scanner Outperforms Terrestrial Laser Scanning in ... - Amerisurv

    9 Apr 2014, 12:13 am

    ZEB1 Handheld Scanner Outperforms Terrestrial Laser Scanning in ...AmerisurvThe same area was then scanned using a terrestrial laser scanner and the results were compared. Data capture with the ZEB1 was found to around 5 times faster while automatic data processing, via 3D Laser Mapping's secure server facility, took less than ...

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  • Laser scanner 3D maps crime scenes - Police Oracle

    11 Apr 2014, 6:17 pm

    Police OracleLaser scanner 3D maps crime scenesPolice OraclePolice in Queensland Australia are using a Zebedee scanner for mapping a crime scene in minutes and creating a 3D image.The laser scanner was developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) –... Do you have ...

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  • New laser scanner can detect arthritis before symptoms start - Zee News

    12 Apr 2014, 6:06 pm laser scanner can detect arthritis before symptoms startZee NewsLondon: British scientists are developing a new laser scanner which could revolutionise arthritis treatment. This device can detect arthritis even before the symptoms start. The new scanner could help start arthritis treatment by spotting signs of the ...'Revolutionary' new laser scanner to detect arthritis before symptoms ...Business StandardRevolutionary new scan spots arthritis BEFORE symptoms le notizie (5) »

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  • Neptec Technologies to Demonstrate New OPAL-120 Laser ... - Amerisurv

    14 Apr 2014, 5:00 pm

    Neptec Technologies to Demonstrate New OPAL-120 Laser ...AmerisurvOttawa, ON – April 14, 2014 – Neptec Technologies Corp., a leading developer of innovative 3D robotic vision products, has announced that it will be demonstrating the OPAL-120, the newest addition to its OPAL 2.0 family of obscurant-penetrating 3D ...altro »

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  • PolyWorks® 2014 Delivers the First Metrology Grade Laser ... - MCADCafe (press release)

    16 Apr 2014, 1:00 pm

    PolyWorks® 2014 Delivers the First Metrology Grade Laser ...MCADCafe (press release)Laser scanning operators are then able to visually review the areas that do not meet predefined quality criteria and scan those areas until quality metrics reach their prescribed values. The real-time quality meshing technology enhances the quality and ...altro »

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Pagine totali: 26529


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