Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • Optech Announces New Airborne Lidar Sensor: Orion H300—High ... - Amerisurv

    28 Aug 2012, 5:25 pm

    Optech Announces New Airborne Lidar Sensor: Orion H300—High ...AmerisurvBuilt on the award-winning Orion sensor platform, the H300 adds high-altitude capability to a model line that already provides low- and mid-altitude 3D laser scanning solutions for corridor and engineering applications. With a maximum effective ground ...

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  • Laser surveying of Bath mines highly commended -

    28 Aug 2012, 11:20 am

    This is BathLaser surveying of Bath mines highly commendedSurveyequipment.comAn archaeological laser scanning project in Bath has been highly commended in the 2012 British Archaeological Awards for its use of innovative scanning techniques. The project involved the capture of highly accurate measurements of the abandoned ...Revealed: the mines that raised up a cityThis is Bathtutte le notizie (2) »

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  • drug discovery solutions at ELRIG - Laboratory Talk

    28 Aug 2012, 11:23 am

    drug discovery solutions at ELRIGLaboratory TalkThe group will be showcasing its liquid handling, laser scanning and sample management products. Delegates can preview acumen eX3 and mosquito HV on stand Q2 at the exhibition, and learn more about the applications of these instruments via the ...

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  • Beware this Chinese company - Malaya

    26 Aug 2012, 6:30 pm

    Beware this Chinese companyMalayaIN preparation for the expected increase in excise taxes on cigarettes, our revenue officials are looking at modern laser scanning systems to monitor the excise stamp taxes due on tobacco products. Hopefully, they will choose the supplier carefully. As ...A scandal in the makingManila Standard Todaytutte le notizie (2) »

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  • Un “aereo-spia” sulle cave del Vicentino -

    25 Aug 2012, 1:40 pm

    Un “aereo-spia” sulle cave del Vicentinobassanonet.itAbbiamo utilizzato la strumentazione più moderna e tecnologicamente avanzata, con rilevamenti aerei e laser scanner. Oggi aggiungiamo il drone, che è di certo più agile ed economico e ci permette di tenere aggiornata questa fotografia.” I dati ...altro »

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  • Un drone sulle cave vicentine contro gli scavi abusivi - VicenzaToday

    24 Aug 2012, 5:33 pm

    VicenzaTodayUn drone sulle cave vicentine contro gli scavi abusiviVicenzaTodayAbbiamo utilizzato la strumentazione più moderna e tecnologicamente avanzata, con rilevamenti aerei e laser scanner. Oggi aggiungiamo il drone, che è di certo più agile ed economico e ci permette di tenere aggiornata questa fotografia". Leggi anche IL ...

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  • Scanning firm records mines - South West Business

    24 Aug 2012, 10:47 am

    Scanning firm records minesSouth West BusinessSpecialist firm Oxford Archaeology has now been highly commended in this year's British Archaeological Awards, and employed laser scanning company APR Services to take highly accurate measurements of the abandoned limestone workings. These were ...

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  • Ipswich man's business earns big award - Wicked Local

    23 Aug 2012, 12:28 pm

    Ipswich man's business earns big awardWicked LocalMeridian Associates is now a consulting firm offering civil engineering, 3D laser scanning (digital mapping), land surveying, landscape architecture and renewable energy and sustainability consulting services. The firm has provided services to projects ...

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  • Laser scanning: a powerful tool for school projects - Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce (subscription)

    23 Aug 2012, 9:15 am

    Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce (subscription)Laser scanning: a powerful tool for school projectsSeattle Daily Journal of Commerce (subscription)Laser scanning has been around for a while but increased storage capacity, portability and processing speed have allowed for mainstream applications in the architecture, engineering and construction industry. The ability to accomplish virtual “as ...

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  • UTEC appoints Louisiana based Operations Manager - Marine Log

    22 Aug 2012, 10:33 pm

    UTEC appoints Louisiana based Operations ManagerMarine LogUTEC provides a wide range of survey services including offshore positioning and construction support, geophysical and AUV surveys, dimensional control, laser scanning, modeling and geotechnical sampling. UTEC has offices located around the world ...altro »

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Pagine totali: 26529


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