Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • New road crash scanner could help solve serious crimes in Essex - Chelmsford Weekly News

    7 May 2012, 9:56 am

    New road crash scanner could help solve serious crimes in EssexChelmsford Weekly NewsA NEW 3D laser scanner designed to improve road crash investigations may also help solve murders and rapes. The state-of-the-art device has been rolled out in Essex and is already being used by officers to cut down the length of time roads are closed ...altro »

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  • Laser scanner 3D, il nuovo asso nella manica di poliziotti e ... - Vodafone Lab (Blog)

    7 May 2012, 12:01 pm

    Vodafone Lab (Blog)Laser scanner 3D, il nuovo asso nella manica di poliziotti e ...Vodafone Lab (Blog)In Gran Bretagna la polizia dell'Essex sta sfruttando un nuovo laser scanner, nome in codice Riegl VZ-400, per i rilevamenti tridimensionali degli incidenti stradali. Questo potente laser è in grado di fotografare la scena con dettagli mai raggiunti ...Laser scanner 3D, addio ai furbetti degli incidenti stradaliTom's Hardware Guide (Comunicati Stampa) (Blog)tutte le notizie (2) »

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  • Military Aircraft Parts Reverse Engineered Using 3D Laser Scanning ... - Virtual-Strategy Magazine

    7 May 2012, 10:27 am

    Military Aircraft Parts Reverse Engineered Using 3D Laser Scanning ...Virtual-Strategy Magazine3D Engineering Solutions employed 3D laser scanning, structured light scanning and Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) best practices to reverse engineer components for military aircraft, including parts for large helicopters and Harrier jump ...altro »

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  • Military Aircraft Parts Reverse Engineered Using 3D Laser Scanning ... - PR Web (press release)

    7 May 2012, 9:05 am

    Military Aircraft Parts Reverse Engineered Using 3D Laser Scanning ...PR Web (press release)3D Engineering Solutions employed 3D laser scanning, structured light scanning and Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) best practices to reverse engineer components for military aircraft, including parts for large helicopters and Harrier jump ...

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  • MDL hires to create new Technical Services division - Spar Point Group

    4 May 2012, 10:15 pm

    MDL hires to create new Technical Services divisionSpar Point Groupby SPAR Point Group staff | May 04, 2012 Houston – Measurement Devices Limited announced their new Technical Services division with the addition of several laser scanning veterans to serve the US, Central, and South American markets.New Technical Services Website Launched as Expanding Laser ...Amerisurvtutte le notizie (2) »

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  • Convenzione Uniud-collegio Geometri: la cerimonia di consegna ... -

    4 May 2012, 9:48 am

    www.controcampus.itConvenzione Uniud-collegio Geometri: la cerimonia di consegna ...www.controcampus.itUn “laser scanner tridimensionale“, compatto e maneggevole, capace di effettuare scansioni di oggetti – come facciate e interni di edifici, monumenti, strutture civili e impianti industriali, superfici del terreno – con precisione sub centimetrica, ...

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  • Laser scanner 3D, addio ai furbetti degli incidenti stradali - Tom's Hardware Guide (Comunicati Stampa) (Blog)

    4 May 2012, 7:59 am

    Tom's Hardware Guide (Comunicati Stampa) (Blog)Laser scanner 3D, addio ai furbetti degli incidenti stradaliTom's Hardware Guide (Comunicati Stampa) (Blog)Il laser scanner Riegl VZ-400 permette alle polizie di tutto il mondo di eseguire indagini 3D sulle scene di un crimine o di un incidente stradale, consentendo di registrare moltissimi dati in pochissimo tempo. Il laser scanner Riegl VZ-400 potrebbe ...

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  • Measurement Devices Strengthens Technical Services Division - Amerisurv

    4 May 2012, 12:35 am

    Measurement Devices Strengthens Technical Services DivisionAmerisurvHouston – Measurement Devices Limited introduced their new Technical Services Division with the addition of several laser scanning veterans to serve the US, Central, and South American markets. The company announced that Jonathan White joined the ...altro »

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  • Crime Scene Do Not Cross: indagini 3D in corso - Pino Bruno Blog (Blog)

    4 May 2012, 12:15 am

    Pino Bruno Blog (Blog)Crime Scene Do Not Cross: indagini 3D in corsoPino Bruno Blog (Blog)La polizia dell'Essex, in Gran Bretagna, lo sta già usando per fare rilievi tridimensionali degli incidenti stradali, ma il laser scanner Riegl VZ-400 potrebbe fare la differenza anche in indagini più delicate, in casi di omicidio o stupro.

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  • 3D Laser Mapping Announces Mining Conference - Amerisurv

    3 May 2012, 8:53 pm

    3D Laser Mapping Announces Mining ConferenceAmerisurvSiteMonitor, developed by 3D Laser Mapping Ltd, is a state of the art monitoring system using advanced laser scanning technology with powerful, simple to use software. It is a modular system that gives the user the ability to exploit the potential of ...

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Pagine totali: 26512


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