Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • Forza 5: How the Xbox One launch title recreates real world cars - Digital Spy UK

    23 Dec 2013, 9:13 am

    Forza 5: How the Xbox One launch title recreates real world carsDigital Spy UKLaser scanning, which sees Turn 10 completely wrap the car in reflective material and then scan it to create a highly accurate model of the body, is a key part of the process. "We also use photography, taking thousands of photographs of a particular ...altro »

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  • Robotics Challenge: Creating the Disaster Response of the Future - ABC News

    21 Dec 2013, 1:08 pm

    ABC NewsRobotics Challenge: Creating the Disaster Response of the FutureABC NewsThe hydraulic system whines, an orange light starts blinking on the robot's head and a laser scanner shaped like a tin can rotates in its face. The knees begin to bend slowly, as Atlas cautiously places his two flat feet onto the ground. But now the ...altro »

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  • Reconstructing crime and crash scenes with 3D laser scanners - Vision Systems Design

    20 Dec 2013, 10:46 pm

    Vision Systems DesignReconstructing crime and crash scenes with 3D laser scannersVision Systems DesignSenior Web Editor. FARO 3D laser scanner. Police in Salt Lake City, Utah have begun using 3D laser scanning technology in order to reconstruct and preserve crime and crash scene data for analysis—a method that has saved both time and manpower for the ...

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  • WorkBoat Releases 3D Laser Scanning in the Boatbuilding Industry ... - Virtual-Strategy Magazine (press release)

    19 Dec 2013, 7:26 am

    WorkBoat Releases 3D Laser Scanning in the Boatbuilding Industry ...Virtual-Strategy Magazine (press release)WorkBoat, the leading provider of news for the U.S. workboat industry, has released a new report, 3D Laser Scanning in the Boatbuilding Industry, sponsored by SPAR Point Group. The free report explains 3D-data capture technology and how it's being ...altro »

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  • WorkBoat Releases 3D Laser Scanning in the Boatbuilding Industry ... -

    18 Dec 2013, 10:39 pm

    WorkBoat Releases 3D Laser Scanning in the Boatbuilding Industry ...DigitalJournal.comWorkBoat, the leading provider of news for the U.S. workboat industry, has released a new report, 3D Laser Scanning in the Boatbuilding Industry, sponsored by SPAR Point Group. The free report explains 3D-data capture technology and how it's being ...altro »

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  • Nuovo laser scanner Topcon GLS-2000: velocità, lunga portata ed ... - Rivista GEOmedia

    18 Dec 2013, 12:57 pm

    Nuovo laser scanner Topcon GLS-2000: velocità, lunga portata ed ...Rivista GEOmedia“Basandosi sulla sua esperienza sul laser scanning, Topcon ha prodotto un laser scanner compatto, leggero e facile da usare che può essere utilizzato in una vasta gamma di applicazioni, e con un fattore di protezione ambientale IP54, in innumerevoli ...

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  • Così sarà la Grande Brera. Il ministro Bray a Milano per presentare l ... - Artribune

    17 Dec 2013, 12:43 am

    ArtribuneCosì sarà la Grande Brera. Il ministro Bray a Milano per presentare l ...ArtribuneA fine settembre è stato dato l'avvio al rilevamento topografico, architettonico, laser scanner. Il Comprensorio Militare delle Caserme Magenta e Carroccio. Palazzo Citterio, infine, con i suoi 6.500 mq fra spazi esterni e interni, attende dal 1972 la ...altro »

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  • And The Winner Is: The Humped Bladderwort - NPR (blog)

    16 Dec 2013, 10:56 pm

    NPR (blog)And The Winner Is: The Humped BladderwortNPR (blog)According to press-release jargon, "Igor Siwanowicz, a neurobiologist at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Janelia Farm Research Campus ... magnified the plant 100 times using a laser scanning confocal microscope and used cellulose-binding ...Janelia Researcher Wins Olympus BioScapes Imaging CompetitionHoward Hughes Medical InstituteGaping Maw of Aquatic Killer Wins Micro-Photo CompetitionLiveScience.comtutte le notizie (25) »

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  • And The Winner Is: The Humped Bladderwort - OPB News

    16 Dec 2013, 10:26 pm

    And The Winner Is: The Humped BladderwortOPB NewsAccording to press-release jargon, “Igor Siwanowicz, a neurobiologist at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Janelia Farm Research Campus … magnified the plant 100 times using a laser scanning confocal microscope and used cellulose-binding ...altro »

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  • Laser scanning and 3D imaging shows lava flow patterns - Vision Systems Design

    16 Dec 2013, 7:02 pm

    Vision Systems DesignLaser scanning and 3D imaging shows lava flow patternsVision Systems DesignScientists from the University of Oregon have utilized laser scanning lidar technology to capture aerial images of volcanoes which in turn are used to produce 3D models that recreate the internal structure of lava flow. As it stands now, lava flows are ...

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