Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • LDS Unveils an Ultra Fast Laser-Based Explosive Scanner for ... - Virtual-Strategy Magazine

    11 Apr 2012, 10:31 am

    LDS Unveils an Ultra Fast Laser-Based Explosive Scanner for ...Virtual-Strategy MagazineThe Israeli Electro-Optics Company, LDS (Laser Detect Systems Ltd) is launching its new state of the art liquid explosives laser scanner. The LDS 5500D is a desktop laser-based explosive scanner enabling accurate and reliable detection of explosive ...

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  • FARO Technologies, Inc - (press release)

    10 Apr 2012, 6:16 pm

    FARO Technologies, (press release)Principal products include the world's best-selling portable measurement arm – the FaroArm®; the FARO® Laser Tracker ION; the FARO Laser ScanArm®; FARO® Laser Scanner; the FARO® Gage; and, the CAM2 family of advanced CAD-based measurement and reporting ...altro »

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  • Sussex fishermen on treasure trawl - The Argus

    9 Apr 2012, 1:34 pm

    Sussex fishermen on treasure trawlThe ArgusLaser scanning will now be carried out on an inscription on the item to unlock its past. The sea bed around the Sussex coast is teeming with archaeological remains ranging from Second World War aircraft to Roman relics and axe handles and coal from ...altro »

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  • Sussex fishermen turned treasure hunters - The Argus

    9 Apr 2012, 8:05 am

    Sussex fishermen turned treasure huntersThe ArgusLaser scanning will now be carried out on an inscription on the item to unlock its past. The seabed around the Sussex coast is teeming with archaeological remains ranging from Second World War aircraft to Roman relics to axe hands and coal from ...

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  • Lecco: l'open day Successo al Politecnico - La Provincia di Lecco

    7 Mar 2012, 7:28 pm

    La Provincia di LeccoLecco: l'open day Successo al PolitecnicoLa Provincia di LeccoA disposizione dei ragazzi anche alcuni ricercatori che hanno montato strumenti per la ricerca spiegandone il funzionamento e l'utilizzo (laser-scanner, termocamera, georadar, sensori accellerometrici e geofoni). Apparecchi, questi, che hanno ...altro »

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  • Civil Engineering and Surveying Firm KS Associates Announces New ... - PR Web (press release)

    2 Apr 2012, 4:23 pm

    PR Web (press release)Civil Engineering and Surveying Firm KS Associates Announces New ...PR Web (press release)KS Associates has made a significant investment in technology and training to bring 3D laser scanning services to clients. 3D laser scanning provides richly detailed representations of a scanned area in relatively little time. The result?

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  • Open for Business:3-D Building Technologies LLC - Pioneer Press

    1 Apr 2012, 7:08 am

    Open for Business:3-D Building Technologies LLCPioneer Press3-D Building Technologies is an architectural technology company providing 3-D laser scanning and building envelope commissioning services to architects, engineers, contractors, building owners and facility managers. Our noncontact, 3-D laser scanning ...

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  • 360 Degree 3D Laser Scanner Tests for BWT System Installation - The Maritime Executive (press release)

    30 Mar 2012, 9:26 pm

    The Maritime Executive (press release)360 Degree 3D Laser Scanner Tests for BWT System InstallationThe Maritime Executive (press release)Harris Pye successfully tests its 3600 3D laser scanner on LNG carrier for ballast water treatment system installation. Global maritime and offshore oil & gas engineering company Harris Pye revealed that it has successfully used its innovative 3600 3D ...

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  • Block MEMS LLC landed a contract with the DoD for its LaserScan ... - Mass High Tech

    30 Mar 2012, 5:41 pm

    Mass High TechBlock MEMS LLC landed a contract with the DoD for its LaserScan ...Mass High TechBy Patricia Resende Spectrometer and laser scanner maker Block MEMS LLC has landed a contract with the Department of Defense's Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense (JPEO-CBD). The Marlborough-based company will provide its ...altro »

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  • MECSPE, la mobilità del futuro - Megamodo

    30 Mar 2012, 5:04 pm

    MegamodoMECSPE, la mobilità del futuroMegamodo... la vettura integra un ampio numero di sensori con una interfaccia uomo-macchina per funzionalità innovative: sistema di parcheggio assistito con visione laterale, sistema laser-scanner frontale e posteriore che rileva la presenza di veicoli e ...altro »

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