Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • Block MEMS LLC landed a contract with the DoD for its LaserScan ... - Mass High Tech

    30 Mar 2012, 5:41 pm

    Mass High TechBlock MEMS LLC landed a contract with the DoD for its LaserScan ...Mass High TechBy Patricia Resende Spectrometer and laser scanner maker Block MEMS LLC has landed a contract with the Department of Defense's Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense (JPEO-CBD). The Marlborough-based company will provide its ...altro »

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  • MECSPE, la mobilità del futuro - Megamodo

    30 Mar 2012, 5:04 pm

    MegamodoMECSPE, la mobilità del futuroMegamodo... la vettura integra un ampio numero di sensori con una interfaccia uomo-macchina per funzionalità innovative: sistema di parcheggio assistito con visione laterale, sistema laser-scanner frontale e posteriore che rileva la presenza di veicoli e ...altro »

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  • New Lens Offers Scientist A Brighter Outlook - Science Now

    29 Mar 2012, 10:15 pm

    New Lens Offers Scientist A Brighter OutlookScience NowSince 2000, Brad Amos, inventor of the laser scanning confocal microscope, has been working on the "Mesolens," a lens capable of capturing a similar level of detail as a confocal alone, but on a far larger scale. Where existing microscopes have lenses ...

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  • Adding laser scanning to reverse projection - Spar Point Group

    28 Mar 2012, 9:23 pm

    Adding laser scanning to reverse projectionSpar Point GroupBut in January, he got himself a new tool: A Faro Focus3D phase-based laser scanner. “I'd seen scanning technology at some of the forensic conference, but it was a little bulky, a little slow, fairly expensive, and not too intuitive,” Fredericks said.

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  • Scanning the Margins, by Ken Smerz - Spar Point Group

    28 Mar 2012, 10:10 pm

    Scanning the Margins, by Ken SmerzSpar Point GroupSure, there are some companies that have been offering laser scanning for some time - Direct Dimensions, Metco, and GKS to name a few - but most of those companies have offered laser scanning as an additional service to their core business.

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  • 3D Engineering Solutions Uses Long Range Laser Scanning & Building ... - Virtual-Strategy Magazine

    28 Mar 2012, 12:28 pm

    3D Engineering Solutions Uses Long Range Laser Scanning & Building ...Virtual-Strategy MagazineUsing long range laser scanning in combination with 3 software platforms and Building Information Modeling (BIM), 3D Engineering Solutions created a clash detection simulation that highlighted interferences preventing replacement equipment from ...altro »

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  • 3D Engineering Solutions Uses Long Range Laser Scanning & Building ... - PR Web (press release)

    28 Mar 2012, 9:09 am

    PR Web (press release)3D Engineering Solutions Uses Long Range Laser Scanning & Building ...PR Web (press release)Using long range laser scanning in combination with 3 software platforms and Building Information Modeling (BIM), 3D Engineering Solutions created a clash detection simulation that highlighted interferences preventing replacement equipment from ...altro »

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  • Jenoptik presents comprehensive range for global traffic safety ... - Laser Focus world

    27 Mar 2012, 4:23 pm

    Jenoptik presents comprehensive range for global traffic safety ...Laser Focus worldWith the new TraffiStar S350 laser scanner system, Jenoptik's Traffic Solutions division will complete the range of stationary speed measurement and red light monitoring systems in autumn this year. A prototype will be shown at Intertraffic.

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  • Cantiere Metropolitana di Napoli - rilievo in aree di scavo ... - ProfessioneArchitetto (Comunicati Stampa)

    26 Mar 2012, 8:00 pm

    Cantiere Metropolitana di Napoli - rilievo in aree di scavo ...ProfessioneArchitetto (Comunicati Stampa)Esse riguarderanno la costruzione di modelli 3D a partire da dati di rilievo (laser scanner e fotogrammetrici) e l'individuazione, i test e la configurazione di metodologie integrate e speditive in grado di supportare il complesso iter relativo alla ...

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  • Nuove opportunità per il rilievo e la topografia con Microsurvey e ... - Rivista GEOmedia

    26 Mar 2012, 2:56 pm

    Nuove opportunità per il rilievo e la topografia con Microsurvey e ...Rivista GEOmediaPointCloud: software per il trattamento dei dati LIDAR da Laser Scanner , con CAD Autonomo dotato di motore di rendering avanzato utilizzato su prodotti quali: 3D Studio, Solidworks, Pro Engineer e Microstation. MS CAD: il cad topografico che copre ...

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Pagine totali: 26512


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