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laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • Cops get 3D laser scanners for motorway crash sites - Register

    4 Jan 2012, 10:29 am

    Times 24Cops get 3D laser scanners for motorway crash sitesRegisterBy Guardian Government Computing • Get more from this author The Department for Transport (DfT) has awarded 27 police forces across England £2.7m worth of funding for the implementation of 3D laser scanning technology. The government hopes that the ...Hertfordshire police's 3D laser scanner bid successTimes 24Government pledges £27m to speed up motorway clearancesBusinessCartutte le notizie (12) »

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  • Hertfordshire police's 3D laser scanner bid success - Times 24

    3 Jan 2012, 7:29 am

    Times 24Hertfordshire police's 3D laser scanner bid successTimes 24By Chris Lennon, News editor Tuesday, January 3, 2012 POLICE in Hertfordshire will be equipped with state-of-the-art 3D laser scanning technology, after a bid for Government funding was successful. To send a link to this page to a friend, simply enter ...

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  • Indice fino al 2005 per Anno - Rivista GEOmedia

    31 Dec 2011, 10:28 am

    Indice fino al 2005 per AnnoRivista GEOmediaLa suite di soluzioni PCI per il telerilevamento e GIS - Versione 2.0 per il post-processing di Ashtech - E' stato lanciato il Planix 10s - Immagini in alta risoluzione da EROS A1 - Callidus, Laser Scanner tridimensionale - Stazione totale serie ...

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  • 3D lasers to aid Teesside accident police - Gazette Live

    29 Dec 2011, 12:18 pm

    3D lasers to aid Teesside accident policeGazette Liveby Andrew Pain, Evening Gazette TEESSIDE roads will be closed for less time after accidents as a result of new laser 3D technology. Cleveland Police, which shares its road traffic unit with Durham Constabulary, will have access to two laser scanner ...

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  • Suffolk/Essex: Trailblazing technology to cut delays after serious ... - East Anglian Daily Times

    29 Dec 2011, 10:17 am

    East Anglian Daily TimesSuffolk/Essex: Trailblazing technology to cut delays after serious ...East Anglian Daily TimesRoad closure times in Suffolk and Essex are likely to be reduced by an average of 39 minutes with the introduction of 3D laser scanning technology, roads minister Mike Penning said today. The two counties are among 27 police forces in England to be ...

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  • Laser scanners aim to ease post-crash traffic chaos - West Briton

    29 Dec 2011, 10:54 am

    BBC NewsLaser scanners aim to ease post-crash traffic chaosWest BritonTraffic delays on Westcountry roads sparked by accidents will be cut with the introduction of high-tech 3D laser scanners to record crash scenes. Currently police investigators scour various sections of road where a collision has taken place to gather ...3D scanner to cut crash delaysThe Startutte le notizie (202) »

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  • 3D scanner to cut crash delays - The Star

    29 Dec 2011, 7:02 am

    3D scanner to cut crash delaysThe StarToday's funding award will see 3D laser scanners rolled out quickly where they are needed most. This will benefit drivers by reducing incident clear-up times by 39 minutes on average.” Last year there were more than 18000 full or partial motorway ...altro »

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  • Laser e infrarossi per salvare le Dolomiti - Corriere della Sera

    29 Dec 2011, 7:20 am

    Laser e infrarossi per salvare le DolomitiCorriere della SeraScanner e infrarosso «Con una metodologia integrata che utilizza il laser scanner e le immagini all' infrarosso possiamo ricostruire con grandissimo dettaglio (centomila punti al secondo) la superficie di una parete - spiega Calgaro - lavorando in ...

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  • Palazzo Margherita emblema dei nuovi orizzonti del restauro - Il

    28 Dec 2011, 3:03 pm

    Il Capoluogo.itPalazzo Margherita emblema dei nuovi orizzonti del restauroIl Capoluogo.itI rilievi sono stati effettuati con lo scanner laser con la tecnica dell'endoscopia e della termografia. «L'edificio in muratura è crollato perchè si sono verificate delle sconnessioni delle murature perimetrali che erano scarsamente ammorsate fra di ...SISMA: PALAZZO MARGHERITA, NEL 2015 LA CITTA' RIAVRA' IL SUO 'CUORE'Abruzzoweb.ittutte le notizie (5) »

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  • "Così restauriamo la grotta di Gesù" -

    23 Dec 2011, 1:24 pm"Così restauriamo la grotta di Gesù" in Restauro dei Monumenti di Roma 'La Sapienza', una società canadese per i rilievi con laser scanner e restituzioni tridimensionali, uno studio professionale palestinese per l'assistenza tecnica locale ei contatti con ditte e maestranze locali». ...

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