Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • Alla scoperta dei misteri del Lapis Niger -

    7 Jul 2015, 3:36 pm

    Arte.itAlla scoperta dei misteri del Lapis NigerArte.itRoma - La tecnologia di nuova generazione del laser scanner CAM2 ARM sarà impiegata per un'acquisizione digitale ad altissima precisione dell'iscrizione sacra presente nel santuario arcaico sottostante il Lapis Niger, nel cuore del Foro Romano.altro »

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  • Scacco a Street View: da Sermide ecco... - Gazzetta di Mantova

    8 Jul 2015, 10:52 pm

    Gazzetta di MantovaScacco a Street View: da Sermide ecco...Gazzetta di MantovaCristallizziamo il momento» risponde Giuseppe Boselli, uno dei cinque soci di Geogrà, azienda di Sermide che realizza rilievi metrici con laser scanner 3D (in principio era la fotogrammetria). Geogrà con l'accento sulla a e una croce sulla o a mo' di ...

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  • Airborne Laser Scanning Keeps Nature Areas Protected -

    13 Jun 2015, 1:53 am

    Airborne Laser Scanning Keeps Nature Areas ProtectedPhotonics.comEurope's nature protection areas – part of a comprehensive ecological network called Natura 2000 – cover almost one-fifth of the European Union. Such areas must be regularly monitored and evaluated to ensure preservation of natural resources and wildlife.

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  • PICTURES: Jurassic Coast through eyes of a laser scanner - Western Morning News

    15 Jun 2015, 4:55 pm

    PICTURES: Jurassic Coast through eyes of a laser scannerWestern Morning NewsThey were, however, generated by a team of scientists who took a look at a stretch of the Westcountry coast through the eyes of their high-tech laser scanner – and the results are not just an artistic gallery of photographs but provide vital data in ...

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  • Leica's New HDS Virtual Classroom To Sharpen Laser Scanning Skills - POB

    19 Jun 2015, 5:08 pm

    POBLeica's New HDS Virtual Classroom To Sharpen Laser Scanning SkillsPOBAcquiring Survey Deliverables with 3D Laser Scanning. ON DEMAND This presentation will cover how easy extracting survey deliverable can be with the FARO Focus3D X 330 Laser Scanner and SCENE software. View All Submit An Event ...

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  • Laser scanner - Today's Medical Developments

    1 Jul 2015, 6:02 am

    Today's Medical DevelopmentsLaser scannerToday's Medical DevelopmentsThe RS3 upgrade package for Romer Absolute Arm with integrated laser scanner doubles the scan rate of the RS2 integrated scanner. The laser scanner will be available with all newly purchased Romer Absolute Arm SI portable measurement systems or as ...

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  • A Roma il Workshop internazionale su modellazione BIM e rilievo ... - Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)

    1 Jul 2015, 4:13 pm

    Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)A Roma il Workshop internazionale su modellazione BIM e rilievo ...Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)Si svolgerà a Roma dal 6 al 10 luglio il Workshop Internazionale su procedure di modellazione tramite Building Information Modeling (BIM) con particolare riferimento alla gestione delle nuvole di punti ottenute da Laser Scanning Terrestre (TLS). Il ...altro »

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  • Confocal laser-scanning microscopy shows how wound healing ... - BioOptics World

    1 Jul 2015, 4:40 pm

    BioOptics WorldConfocal laser-scanning microscopy shows how wound healing ...BioOptics WorldAn international team of researchers used a microscopy technique to study the larvae of zebrafish to reveal how wound healing leads to skin cancer. Live imaging showed that neutrophils (the protective inflammatory cells of the body's immune system) ...Live imaging study reveals link between wound-associated ...News-Medical.netLive imaging reveals how wound healing influences cancer(e) Science News (press release) (registration)tutte le notizie (15) »

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  • Roeslein Ahead of the Curve with 3D Laser Scanning -

    6 Jul 2015, 7:37 pm

    Roeslein Ahead of the Curve with 3D Laser new tool in its ever-growing arsenal with the addition of 3D Laser Scanning technology. This service allows customers to gain an accurate digital representation of their project on a large or small scale with the use of FARO Laser Scanner Focus ...

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  • Vislab, l'auto italiana che si guida da sola, venduta per 30 milioni - Focus

    7 Jul 2015, 2:54 pm

    FocusVislab, l'auto italiana che si guida da sola, venduta per 30 milioniFocusAlle videocamere si aggiungono 4 laser scanner che, spiega ancora Grisleri, «verificano i dati raccolti dalle telecamere e affinano la misura delle distanze degli oggetti». Sul tetto, un'antenna gps ad alta sensibilità consente di captare il segnale ...altro »

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Pagine totali: 26522


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