Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • Research and Markets: Global 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning Market ... - Business Wire (press release)

    7 Nov 2014, 12:25 pm

    Research and Markets: Global 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning Market ...Business Wire (press release)Laser scanners are optical measuring systems based on laser light transmission. Terrestrial laser scanning is a new and efficient method for digitizing large objects and is used in surveys, which allows ways to acquire complex geometric data from ...altro »

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  • Scientists Resurrect The Dodo With 3D Laser Scanning - io9

    7 Nov 2014, 3:47 pm

    Tech TimesScientists Resurrect The Dodo With 3D Laser Scanningio9More than three centuries after the last of its species walked on the isle of Mauritius, the skeleton of the dodo bird has been recreated using 3D scanning technology. The virtual model is enabling scientists to reconstruct how it walked, moved and ...Extinct dodo bird resurrected with help of 3D laser scanning and ...Tech TimesDodo Bird Recreated by 3D Laser ScanningDesign & TrendDodo Bird 3D Scan Reveals Previously Unknown BonesDiscovery NewsNature World News -Phys.Orgtutte le notizie (52) »

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  • Local firm makes 3D laser scanning a reality - The Port Arthur News

    11 Nov 2014, 1:48 am

    The Port Arthur NewsLocal firm makes 3D laser scanning a realityThe Port Arthur NewsHe zoomed in to a bench near the field where he, along with 3D laser scanner technician Collin DeLome and Lamar baseball coach Jim Gilligan, watched a game. “We can use the scanned image if they need to ever replace the turf or do other work,” Romero ...

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  • Teen inventor's love for lasers - ABC Local

    12 Nov 2014, 6:04 am

    Teen inventor's love for lasersABC LocalHe designed and built a 3D laser scanner using everyday items, for the statewide student competition. "It transforms video footage of an object with a laser line being swept over it, " Angshu says. "It turns it into a three-dimensional image on a ...

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  • Laser scanning accurately 'weighs' trees - Phys.Org

    21 Nov 2014, 3:35 pm

    Laser scanning accurately 'weighs' treesPhys.OrgA terrestrial laser scanning technique that allows the structure of vegetation to be 3D-mapped to the millimetre is more accurate in determining the biomass of trees and carbon stocks in forests than current methods, according to new research involving ...

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  • 3D Laser Mapping Scanner Helps UCL Scientists Map Trees - Amerisurv

    24 Nov 2014, 5:23 pm

    3D Laser Mapping Scanner Helps UCL Scientists Map TreesAmerisurvNottingham, UK, 24 November 2014 - A state of the art laser scanner purchased from 3D Laser Mapping is helping scientists at University College London accurately monitor and record the state of forests around the world. The college's Riegl VZ-400 ...altro »

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  • La tecnologia che ci spia - La Stampa

    27 Nov 2014, 8:39 am

    La StampaLa tecnologia che ci spiaLa StampaProspettive perfino più preoccupanti possono suggerire i cosiddetti Scanner molecolari, con un raggio d'azione che copre fino a 164 metri di distanza. La società Genia Photonics produce un laser scanner che sarebbe in grado di “penetrare abbigliamento ...

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  • Accordi – Aturia sceglie CAM2 Edge ScanArm - Tecn'èLAB

    27 Nov 2014, 3:02 pm

    Tecn'èLABAccordi – Aturia sceglie CAM2 Edge ScanArmTecn'èLABIn effetti, CAM2 Edge ScanArm è un sistema di misura a 7 assi, con laser scanner integrato, che consente sia di misurare singoli punti con il tastatore sia di eseguire scansioni quando sono richiesti grandi volumi di dati. “Il fascio di scansione molto ...

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  • Global 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning Market 2014-2018: Key ... - PR Newswire (press release)

    4 Nov 2014, 11:24 pm

    Global 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning Market 2014-2018: Key ...PR Newswire (press release)Laser scanners are optical measuring systems based on laser light transmission. Terrestrial laser scanning is a new and efficient method for digitizing large objects and is used in surveys, which allows ways to acquire complex geometric data from ...altro »

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  • The 'palm reading' laser scanner that can tell if you REALLY ate your ... - Daily Mail

    7 Nov 2014, 1:51 am

    Daily MailThe 'palm reading' laser scanner that can tell if you REALLY ate your ...Daily MailIt could be be the end of children's trick of throwing their vegetables out or feeding them to the dog. Researchers have revealed a new laser sensor to tell if you have eaten your fruit and veg. Researchers say the gadget could be perfect for checking ...altro »

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Pagine totali: 26505


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